Notes When Choosing and Using Auto Repair Tools

Car repair tools
Latest update date: February 03, 10

As an automobile repair technician, tools are indispensable tools to check and handle car problems effectively. However, not everyone knows to choose and use a tool appropriately and effectively.

To give you more experience when choosing and using auto repair tools to achieve high performance, Thanh Phong Auto Please share some important notes in the article below.

Basic tools needed when repairing cars

Car repair work will require the assistance of many tools, including tools that every auto mechanic must have.

Basic car repair tools
Car repair tools


  • Wrench: used to remove nuts and bolts.
  • Wrench: multi-purpose upgraded version from a wrench, can be flexible to change the size when removing nuts, bolts.
  • Screwdrivers: remove and install screws.
  • Tube set: remove nuts, bolts in narrow positions and need strong force.
  • Pliers: cut, press, bend, ... necessary details when fixing cars.

Choose car repair tools suitable for your intended use

When choosing a car repair tool, it should be based on the intended use in order to have the right choice, helping the job to be the most convenient and effective.

For example when choosing a screwdriver: there are many types of screwdrivers corresponding to different uses, car repairers will rely on the purpose to use the right type of screwdriver.

  • Small screwdriver: used to remove, replace small details.
  • Short screwdriver: used when removing and replacing screws in tight locations.
  • Screwdrivers: used when it is necessary to apply force to the fixed screws.

Choose a quality, reputable brand

Which car repair tool is best
Select reputable car repair tools

Currently, the market for car repair tools is quite diverse in terms of brands. Choosing a reputable brand will ensure effective use of tools, durable, providing a different experience while using. Do not choose tools without clear brand information to avoid buying poor quality products.

Chinese brand car repair tools are usually cheap. While products of brands from Japan, Germany, and Korea have higher prices, the quality of these brands' products is worth the money.

Use pulling force, not pushing force, when using tools

If the force is used too strong when tightening, opening bolts or nuts during car repair, it will easily slip and cause unexpected problems. Conversely, if using traction, the hand can be more active when manipulating, ensuring safety and efficiency when repairing.

How to use car repair tools effectively
Use traction when using a car repair tool

note: In case traction cannot be used due to space constraints, palm push should be performed.

Be careful when using force to tighten car repair tools

When using an automobile repair tool, the requirement to use the tightening force (tightening the screw or bolting) is very high. Because if the determination of the tightening force is not correct, the force will not be enough to act on the screws or bolts, making these parts easily loose and causing many dangers for vehicle users. Therefore, note that always tighten the screws and bolts one last time with the force balance, and at the same time, tighten the standard torque.

Note when using car repair tools
Be careful when using to protect health

Clean and preserve car repair tools

  • When the car repair tools are used, they should be cleaned and taken care of.
  • Add oil to the necessary tools.
  • Discard old or damaged tools.

Recently, Thanh Phong Auto shared some notes when choosing and using car repair tools. Hopefully this will be useful information for auto mechanics to gain more experience to work effectively.

For more knowledge when repairing cars, please refer to the section Cautions When Repairing Car. Or if you are just a car user and do not have repair experience, please consult experience choosing reputable car repair addresses to choose for yourself the best quality car care garage.

Any questions related to auto repair please contact Thanh Phong Auto at hotline 0934.222.763 for a more specific answer.

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